Auto Seasonal Offers

Create seasonal offers & boost conversions on autopilot

Get more conversions from your discount popup with an automatically refreshing seasonal offer
When to use it?

10% off for new customers is a basic strategy used by almost every ecommerce store. While this is a great tactic to convince new visitors to buy from you, people just don’t get as excited about it as they used to because it’s so common.

If you’d like to enhance these generic offers and increase their conversion rates, you could give them a seasonal spin — without the need to update your offers each month!


Using our Smart Tags feature, you can keep them updated on autopilot!

This will improve their efficiency and make them feel more special by presenting them as the “special offer of the month.”

How to set it up?

Step 1: Create a regular offer

If you don’t have an existing campaign you want to personalize, below you can get a list of offer templates. Create your campaign and customize it as you wish.

Create a new popup campaign in OptiMonk

Step 2: Insert Smart Tag into your message

Insert the “Current month in EN” Smart Tag wherever you want the name of the month to appear dynamically.

Insert Smart Tag into your message

Step 3: Launch your campaign

This is how the campaign will look like in September:

Launch your campaign

Pick a template and launch your first
Auto Seasonal Offers campaign in 2 minutes

Want us to set this
up for you?

Register a new OptiMonk account today and get your first campaign professionally set up by our team of conversion specialists.
Book a call

Looking for more
personalization tactics?

The most effective list-building popup formula
Encourage product discovery by promoting your top products on autopilot
Segment and guide your visitors while building your list