Embedded Product Recommender

Recommend relevant products in blog articles

Increase the conversion rate of blog visitors by using embedded product recommendations
When to use it?

Do you have a blog? Do you often talk about your products in your articles?

If your blog articles aren’t driving sales the way you’d hoped, you should definitely spice them up a little bit by embedding some product recommendations. This can help you get an increase in conversions, engagement, and cart value.

When you add embedded product recommendations to blog posts, you should promote products that are relevant to what the post is about. For instance, a blog post about how to gain more energy could recommend energy-boosting smoothies.

Take your blog to the next level and transform your readers into loyal customers!

How to set it up?

Step 1: Choose a Product Recommender campaign

We highly recommend using embedded format as this way the product recommendation can be an organic part of your page. Scroll down to choose a template and fine-tune it to your style.

Create an embedded product recommender campaign

Step 2: Choose products

If you have a Shopify store you can simply choose the products from your product catalogue.

Set up products from your product catalogue

If you don’t have a Shopify store, you will need to manually add the details of your products that you would like to see on your campaign.

Product set up in the OptiMonk editor

Step 3: Place your message and launch your campaign

Use our Point and Click tool to define the position of your content. Learn more about Point and Click placement, here.

Pick a template and launch your first
Embedded Product Recommender campaign in 2 minutes

Want us to set this
up for you?

Register a new OptiMonk account today and get your first campaign professionally set up by our team of conversion specialists.
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personalization tactics?

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