Do you offer a simple 5 or 10% off for new customers? People are used to getting discounts like these, so they might not generate as many conversions as they used to.
If you’d like to add some excitement back into these first-order discounts, increase your conversion rates, and drive more sales, try our “perfect welcome popup” recipe:
- Change your “10% off” to a “mystery discount.” It sounds simple, but this can really tap into people’s natural curiosity and generate a lot of interest.
- Implement a sticky teaser that appears if a visitor closes the popup without filling it out and follows them through the website.
- Delay the closing X button by 2 or 3 seconds, plus add a “No thanks” option to the first page.
Step 1: Choose a regular welcome popup
Choose a regular welcome popup and fine-tune it to your style. You can find all of our smart welcome popups below.
Step 2: Dress up your campaign
To create the perfect popup follow the below steps:
1. Add your company logo to the top of your campaign.
2. Instead of a generic 10% OFF, offer a mystery discount.
3. Put a “No, thanks” option to the campaign, so your visitors can opt-out anytime.
4. Add a floating image to your campaign that will raise attention.
5. Delay the appearance of the X button, this way you give a chance to read your popup to those visitors who would automatically close it.
6. Set up a follow-up teaser to your campaign. This will follow the visitor throughout his/her journey on your site in case they closed the popup first, but they always have a chance to finally close it with the X button on the Teaser.
7. On the second page of your campaign ask a segmentation question to get to know your visitor better.
8. On the thank you page, you will need to show a relevant product recommendation based on the answer the visitor gave on the second page of your popup.
You will need to create as many “thank you pages” as many options you have on the second page. As a last step, set up your survey so that after clicking on each option, your visitors will get a relevant product recommendation.