Do you have a considerable amount of traffic on your site coming from referral partners? It might make sense to have a special offer for visitors who reached your site through a referral partner’s recommendation.
By tailoring your landing pages to your top referral partners, you can boost your conversion rates and increase revenue. It will also create a stronger relationship between you and your referral partners. By showing them that you value their traffic, you'll encourage them to continue sending visitors your way.
So what are you waiting for? Start tailoring your landing pages to your top referral partners and see the results for yourself.
Step 0: Background information
Let’s say you offer a paid course for your clients. At the same time, you are collaborating with an influencer who brings a considerable amount of traffic to your site. It is beneficial to link these two things and make a special offer to those visitors who reached your site on the influencer’s recommendation.
Step 1: Create a new Dynamic Content Campaign
Step 2: Personalize your landing page
Make the necessary modifications to personalize your landing page. Include the influencer’s name, the discount your clients will be eligible for because of the influencer, etc.
This is how the original landing page looks like:
This is how the personalized landing page looks like:
Step 3: Target your campaign
Display your campaign to only those visitors who have come to your site through the influencer. Use Visited URL rule for this purpose.
Step 4: Launch your campaign
This is how your campaign will look like for visitors who came to your site through the influencer.